ISBM College of Engineering

Affiliated to Savitribai phule Pune University Approved by AICTE - Delhi,
DTE - Maharashtra DTE Code : EN6622


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Applied for membership of National Digital Library

The National Digital library of India (NDLI) is a project under Ministry of Human Resource Development, India. The objective is to collect and collate metadata and provide full text index from several national and international digital libraries, as well as other relevant sources. It is a digital repository containing textbooks, articles, videos,audio books, lectures, simulations, fiction and all other kinds of learning media. The NDLI provides free of cost access to many books in English and the Indian languages.ISBM College of Engineering Library is member of NDLI Students can search required resources from this resource. ISBMCOE Library also member of NDLI Club Club Registration Number: INMHNC3YJXT9ERM NDLI information made available to students and faculty form college Library Website &

Wi-Fi facility enable in Library with digital library facility students can access all MOOC and NDLI related information from their own devices or from digital library