ASHRAE, founded in 1894, is a global society advancing human well-being through sustainable technology for the built environment. The Society and its members focus on building systems, energy efficiency, indoor air quality, refrigeration and sustainability within the industry. Through research, standards writing, publishing and continuing education, ASHRAE shapes tomorrow's built environment today. ASHRAE was formed as the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers by the merger in 1959 of American Society of Heating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHAE) founded in 1894 and The American Society of Refrigerating Engineers (ASRE) founded in 1904.
In 2012, as part of a rebranding, ASHRAE began doing business as "ASHRAE" vs. using its full legal name of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers. Use of ASHRAE reflects the Society's worldwide membership and that services will continue evolving globally.
The mission of ASHRAE is to advance the arts and sciences of HVAC&R to serve humanity and promote a sustainable world.
Access to members - only web pages.
Discounts on ASHRAE Handbooks.
Monthly ASHRAE Journal - print and digital.
HVAC&R Industry and Society Connections eNewsletters.
Discounted ASHRAE Annual and Winter Conference registration (AHR Expo, Student Program, Technical Sessions
Virtual online HVAC&R resume posting, job and internship searching program.
Society and chapter-level scholarships for both undergraduate and graduate engineering students.
Discounts for student members on select publications, go to for more information.
Student Design Competition.
Networking with local ASHRAE Chapters.
Senior Undergraduate Project Grant Program.
At the student branch level, you'll enjoy meeting other students with silmiler interest - if your school hasn't yet started a student branch, take charge and contact a faculty member and ask for help on getting started!